miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009



Kiwifruit is a rich source of vitamin C and potacium. It also contains vitamin E, and a small amount of vitamin A. The skin is a good source of flavonoid and antioxidants.
The kiwifruit seed oil contains an average 62% alpha – lionelic – acid, and omega-3 fatty acid. Usualy a médium seze kiwifruit contains about 46 calories, 0.3 g fats, 1 g proteins, 11 g carbohydrates, 75 mg vitamins and 2.6 g dietary fiber.
Kiwifruit is ofeten reporetd to have mild laxantive effects, due to the high level of dietary fiber.
Some people allergic to latex, papayas or pineapples or likely to also be allergic to kiwifruit.
Kiwifruit also serves as a natural blood thiner. A resent atudy raveals that – similar to aspirin therapy – consuming 2 to 3 kiwifruit daily for 28 days significantly thins the blood, reducing the risk of clots, and lowers fat in that can cause blockages.
Kiwifruit is one of the best natural source of lutein and zeaxanthin.

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